Pesticide Action Network (PAN) was founded in 1982 and is a network of over 600 non-governmental organisations, institutions and individuals in over 60 countries worldwide working to minimise the negative effects and replace the use of harmful pesticides with ecologically sound alternatives. Its projects and campaigns are coordinated by five autonomous Regional Centres.
PAN Europe is the regional centre in Europe. It was founded in 1987 and brings together consumer, public health, and environmental organisations, trades unions, women's groups and farmer associations from across 19 European countries.
We work to eliminate dependency on chemical pesticides and to support safe sustainable pest control methods. PAN Europe is committed to bringing about a substantial reduction in pesticide use throughout Europe. Pesticide (including biocides) reduction is a prerequisite for improvements of public and workers health, protection of the environment, and its strict implementation is in line with the precautionary principle.
PAN Europe's vision is of a world in which high agricultural productivity is achieved by truly sustainable agricultural production systems in which agrochemical inputs and environmental damage are minimised, and where local people control local production using local varieties.
For more info, visit our website: www.pan-europe.info. For any further information please contact martin@pan-europe.info or call +32 2 503 31 37.